Sunday 11 May 2014

The Steak and Mashed Potato Romance

Everybody loves a hearty dinner and what's more heart-ier than some pan grilled Chicken steak, drenched in an epically traditional BBQ sauce and sided with some mashed potatoes? If you're a person who would mind eating this, then, my friend, you belong to the planet Mars. Aaaad, if you won't mind eating this thing for the next 7 days, then, you're awesome! Keeping this real short, this is how the whole story starts.
The Epic Hero: THE STEAK.
- A single piece of Chicken Steak.
- Marinated in two table spoons of BBQ Sauce and Worcestershire Sauce each for each steak piece.
- Lying with these lovelies overnight.
- Morning: TADAAA.

The Romantic Lover: MASHED POTATOES. 
- Totally depends on how much you want to make, so, take as many potatoes as you want. The more the merrier.
- Boil them up in a pressure cooker for around 20 mins.
- 1-2 teaspoon of Salt. Either sprinkled afterwards or in the beginning.
- Aaaaye. Mash them up, Ladies!
- Voila.

The Side Kick: BBQ SAUCE
- I use two table spoons of BBQ sauce, one table spoon of Tomato Sauce and a little squeeze to the lemon.
- Heat them up for a minute or two.
- Easy? Right?

The Last Thing: PARTY.
- Call up the guys and make them some of these romantic acquaintances.
- Watch them drool over.
This is Hadiqa Sohail. Over and Out.